Thursday, September 29, 2011

Understanding your wedding timeline

Weddings typically go as follows...
1/2 hour Ceremony (if at the venue)
1 hour for cocktail hour
4 hour reception

5 1/2 hours to make all your dreams come true. 
The purpose of this post is to help make all the B&G's out there make the right decision with their food courses.

In my personal opinion, I go to weddings for the amazing cocktail hour and then to dance my butt off. I am not impressed with 4 courses of food, because that takes away from prime dancing time... but I also understand that not every family or bride agrees with that.

Here is an example of a 4 course + dessert wedding dinner timeline...
7:00 - 7:20 - Seat guests and line bridal party up for introductions
7:20 - 7:45 - Introductions, B&G 1st dance, parents dances, and toasts
7:50 - 1st course (usually pasta)
8:10 - 2nd course (usually salad)
8:30 - 3rd course (intermezzo)
8:50 - 4th course (main entree)
**You've only got 2 hours left of your wedding at this point**
9:00-10:00 - Dance
10:00 - 10:15 Cake cutting, garter, bouquet toss
10:15 - Cake is served and any other dessert station you have is put out
10:15-11:00 Dance

The times can obviously fluctuate, but each course typically takes 20 min. Depending on how many guests you have it can take longer too. These times are based off of 120-160 people. Once you hit 180-200+ guests the course take much longer. 

This post isn't meant to take away from fabulous high end wedding courses... its meant to make you think about what is more important to you, and realize that more course means more time. 

People will warn you that your wedding day will fly by... make sure that your 5 1/2 hour window is everything you want it to be!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Seating chart

One of the most difficult parts about planning a wedding is doing the seating chart. 
It can cause major family drama if you don't seat everyone properly!

A great website to help you with you seating needs is  
Upload your guests names and move them to tables at your leisure. 

You can also print your guests names alphabetically or by table number. 
(You should always give your venue a copy of both that way if there are seating issues the day of they have something to refer too.)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ballerina party

If I were 8 years old again I would love to have a party that looked like this! 
Adding tulle around a table is so simple and elegant.  

Monday, September 26, 2011

Candy Bar Setups

Candy bars are all the rage this summer. 
If you are going to have one, make sure you prepare and organize properly. 

1. Make a diagram or take a picture of how you want the station to be setup
2. Number each jar that will be used, using a post-it
3. Number each bag of candy, using a post-it, so that it corresponds with the glass jar you want it placed into

Now your venue will know how to set it up properly!
Its better to give too much information than not enough. 

Why the traditions?

The rhyme dates back to the time of Queen Victoria and is often quoted "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe." 

Something old: Represents continuity with the bride's family and the past, usually a ring or a piece of jewelery that has been passed down through the family from generation to generation.

Something new: The wearing of something new shows the bride is looking to the future of her marriage. This could be the wedding dress or the lingerie worn under the dress.

Something borrowed: a token borrowed from a happily married friend or relative in the hope that some of their happiness and good luck will be transferred to the new couple. A piece of jewelery is usually borrowed for the big day.

Something blue: The color blue is believed to come from the Virgin Mary, who is often portrayed in a blue robe, blue is a symbol of purity, most often the something blue is the garter the bride wears.

A silver sixpence in her shoe: A Scottish tradition that actually started with the groom putting a sixpence in his shoe to represent financial security and future wealth. The custom these days though is for the bride to have the sixpence in her shoe.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Need a Chuppah?

Call "Chuupahs Are Us"... seriously!
Check them out at and ask for Yani.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Love Letter & Wine Box Ceremony

Here is something new!
The love letter & wine box ceremony is so touching and meaningful. The Bride and Groom, prior to the wedding, write each other love letters explaining why they are marrying each other and what made them fall in love. During the ceremony the letters are placed inside the box along with a bottle of their favorite wine and locked. On your 5th or 10th wedding anniversary you are to unlock the box and read your letters and drink the wine you chose. If, however, you reach a rough patch in your marriage you are supposed to open the box and remind yourselves why you got married in the first place.

NYC Custom Invitations

If you are in the NYC metropolitan area, 
please contact Maritza at Going Postal Designs to schedule a consultation. 
I worked with her for all of my paper-wedding needs and couldn't be happier with the result!

 The difference between Going Postal & other companies is that you sit down and design every detail of your product. You don't flip through a catalog and choose a print. You touch fabrics, view paper selection, choose fonts that YOU want. She will not push you to make a "professional opinion", it is all up to YOU.

Take a look at her website; to view some of her work. 
She is fabulous at what she does and a wonderful person to work with!

Nothing about this is OK

Don't put creepy touches on your wedding day...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Personalized Ceremonies

I recently worked with Tony Zecca, a wedding officiant that works in NY & NJ. He clearly understood the couple and made their ceremony customized. He included their proposal, how they met and their personality traits without making it awkward or boring. Check him out at

Open House & Private Showcase

On Thursday Sept 29th @ 7:30pm
my friends at Elite Entertainment are hosting an open house. 
This will give you a chance to meet their staff,
look at their different lighting options, 
and scan their packages and potential discounts!

Reservations are required. Give them a call at 888-354-8380 or check them out online at

Cant afford to get your makeup done?

I thoroughly stand by this product! 

Not everyone can afford to get both their hair & makeup done. This mineral primer goes on as a satin finish, and keeps your makeup on your face the whole day. 

I was skeptical at first, especially because its not exactly cheap... but I work 13-15hr days and my foundation and blush are still on at the end of the night. 

If you are doing your own makeup for your wedding I highly suggest you invest in this product! 
You'll want your makeup looking flawless in all of your wedding photos the whole night.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Have fun with your response card

This is going to be a fun wedding!
A friend of mine forwarded me a response card to a wedding he's invited too. 
Doesn't it make you wonder how the wedding will be? Love it! 

Rock Candy Alcohol?!?

I should have taken a picture of this one... its normal to see strawberries in champagne at weddings, but what about rock candy?
The bride tonight bought rock candy in all different colors and had us stick it in the champagne glasses for when her guests showed up to cocktail hour. Each glass slightly changed to a bright color, and was definitely a conversation piece. I love this idea... spread the word!

High Five

Im not normally a fan of B&G cake toppers, but this was cute. 
The B&G are giving each other a high five

Love the creativity!

How creative! 
This couple made a sign showing which direction the Reception would be, and the Cocktail Hour... 
Love it!